Joshua Brakensiek

Photo of Joshua Brakensiek.

I recently graduated with a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University. I was fortunate to be co-advised by Aviad Rubinstein and Moses Charikar. My CV is available here.

I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a B.S. and M.S. in Mathematical Sciences as a Knaster-McWilliams Scholar. My advisor in the Honors Program was Venkatesan Guruswami.


My primary research agenda is to tackle fundamental questions in theoretical computer science and adjacent areas, particularly questions inspired by modern challenges in computing. Towards this goal, I apply theoretical and computational techniques from many areas including combinatorics, algebra, convex optimization, and formal methods.

Some of my recent works with various collaborators include:

Publications and Manuscripts


Professional Service

Selected Awards

In high school, I participated in various mathematics and computer science competitions.


My PhD quals have been published as a pair of blog posts. (Part 1, Part 2)

At CMU, I was a member of Keenan Crane's Geometry Collective.

I am a class of 2012 alumnus of the Research Science Institute.

The following photograph I took of Chandler-Gilbert Community College in Arizona appears in the Mathematical Association of America's 100th anniversary calendar:
