Tue 15 May 2018

I'm trying to keep the current blog post run going (at least compared to the last years) by blogging about random things I observe or learn. Today's post: I found out by coincidence that OpenJDK 9 changed a detail about how regular expressions are matched. The post is not about regular expressions in general, but regular expressions as implemented by OpenJDK's java.util.regex.Pattern.

Exponential backtracking

The post's title already spoils it: the change is related to backtracking. OpenJDK's Pattern implements quantifiers in regular expressions by trying out the different possibilities and it then backtracks in case there was no match. So for example, to see if a matches the pattern a?a, first the pattern aa is tried and because it doesn't match (not enough as in the input), the matching backtracks to the beginning and tries the pattern a next, which then succeeds.

Now let's see what happens if the input 1111a is matched against the pattern (1*)* in OpenJDK 8, like in the following code: Pattern.compile("(1*)*").matcher("1111a").matches()). In words: in a group, match zero or more 1s and repeat that group zero or more times.

In the beginning, the 1* inside the group matches greedily all characters 1 in the input until the a. Then the remaining input (the a) is used as input for the remaining part of the regex, which is the group repetition. The group is repeated again, but 1* still doesn't match the a and the matching fails because not all input is used. Note that the implementation is smart enough to not try to repeat the group forever with a zero-width match for 1*.

The implementation then remembers that in the beginning, it consumed all the 1s greedily. The question is: would the regex probably match the input if the first greedy matching doesn't consume all the 1s, but all except the last one? So the implementation backtracks to the point where it consumed all but the last 1 and then tries to match the remaining regex against the input 1a. This approach still doesn't result in a match. That means another backtrack and 11a is tried next. The big problem is now: that input 11a will be again first matched greedily by 1*, because remaining regex means the group repetition. And as there is still no match due to the trailing a, this matching as part of the backtracking will backtrack as well.

In other words, for every character 1 in the input, there are two choices: match and consume the character as part of the sub-expression 1* or don't match and continue with the remaining expression (the group repetition). That results in 2n different combinations that need to be tested, with n being the number of leading 1s in the input. There will never be a match, but that will only be known after every combination has been tested. So, exponential runtime.

This is not exactly big news. The phenomena of catastrophic backtracking is well understood and there are various ways how either the regular expression can be changed to avoid the backtracking (see for example The Explosive Quantifier Trap ) or how regexes can be implemented without backtracking (see for example Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast). It is even known as an attack under the name ReDoS and has its own OWASP entry.

The change in OpenJDK 9

In OpenJDK, an optimization was added to avoid the exponential backtracking. Whenever a greedy repetition (*, +, curly braces, etc) doesn't match some input, the input's cursor position is memoized. Then, when the repetition is executed again during backtracking, it's checked whether it already failed to match for this cursor position and if so, the repetition isn't tested at all (as it will fail no match).

How does that help against exponential backtracking? Let's have a look again at the previous regex (\d*) that should match the input 1111a. First the greedy match of the 1s, then the failed attempt to match a and then the backtracking of the first greedy match. The first backtracking attempt is with the remaining input 1a. It doesn't match and it's memoized that this input failed. Then 11a is tried next. It also fails to match, but it also backtracks itself due to the first greedy match on the leading 11. During that backtracking, the inputs 1a and 11a need to be tested, but only the former is actually tested, due to the latter being memoized to have failed. Hence the backtracking is now linear instead of exponential.

Note that this optimization only works if the pattern doesn't use any backreferences.

More questions? Then study the source of OpenJDK's Pattern implementation!