Separating configuration and environment data

Applies To: Windows PowerShell 4.0, Windows PowerShell 5.0

It can be useful to separate the data used in a DSC configuration from the configuration itself by using configuration data. By doing this, you can use a single configuration for multiple environments.

For example, if you are developing an application, you can use one configuration for both development and production environments, and use configuration data to specify data for each environment.

What is configuration data?

Configuration data is data that is defined in a hashtable and passed to a DSC configuration when you compile that configuration.

For a detailed description of the ConfigurationData hashtable, see Using configuration data.

A simple example

Let's look at a very simple example to see how this works. We'll create a single configuration that ensures that IIS is present on some nodes, and that Hyper-V is present on others:

Configuration MyDscConfiguration {

  Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq "WebServer"}.NodeName
  WindowsFeature IISInstall {
    Ensure = 'Present'
    Name   = 'Web-Server'

    Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq "VMHost"}.NodeName
        WindowsFeature HyperVInstall {
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'

$MyData =
    AllNodes =
            NodeName    = 'VM-1'
            Role = 'WebServer'

            NodeName    = 'VM-2'
            Role = 'VMHost'

MyDscConfiguration -ConfigurationData $MyData

The last line in this script compiles the configuration, passing $MyData as the value ConfigurationData parameter.

The result is that two MOF files are created:

    Directory: C:\DscTests\MyDscConfiguration

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        3/31/2017   5:09 PM           1968 VM-1.mof
-a----        3/31/2017   5:09 PM           1970 VM-2.mof

$MyData specifies two different nodes, each with its own NodeName and Role. The configuration dynamically creates Node blocks by taking the collection of nodes it gets from $MyData (specifically, $AllNodes) and filters that collection against the Role property..

Using configuration data to define development and production environments

Let's look at a complete example that uses a single configuration to set up both development and production environments of a website. In the development environment, both IIS and SQL Server are installed on a single nodes. In the production environment, IIS and SQL Server are installed on separate nodes. We'll use a configuration data .psd1 file to specify the data for the two different environments.

Configuration data file

We'll define the development and production environment data in a file named DevProdEnvData.psd1 as follows:


    AllNodes = @(

            NodeName        = "*"
            SQLServerName   = "MySQLServer"
            SqlSource       = "C:\Software\Sql"
            DotNetSrc       = "C:\Software\sxs"
            WebSiteName     = "New website"

            NodeName        = "Prod-SQL"
            Role            = "MSSQL"

            NodeName        = "Prod-IIS"
            Role            = "Web"
            SiteContents    = "C:\Website\Prod\SiteContents\"
            SitePath        = "\\Prod-IIS\Website\"

            NodeName         = "Dev"
            Role             = "MSSQL", "Web"
            SiteContents     = "C:\Website\Dev\SiteContents\"
            SitePath         = "\\Dev\Website\"

Configuration script file

Now, in the configuration, which is defined in a .ps1 file, we filter the nodes we defined in DevProdEnvData.psd1 by their role (MSSQL, Dev, or both), and configure them accordingly. The development environment has both the SQL Server and IIS on one node, while the production environment has them on two different nodes. The site contents is also different, as specified by the SiteContents properties.

At the end of the configuration script, we call the configuration (compile it into a MOF document), passing DevProdEnvData.psd1 as the $ConfigurationData parameter.

Note: This configuration requires the modules xSqlPs and xWebAdministration to be installed on the target node.

Let's define the configuration in a file named MyWebApp.ps1:

Configuration MyWebApp
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xSqlPs
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xWebAdministration

    Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -contains "MSSQL"}.NodeName
        # Install prerequisites
        WindowsFeature installdotNet35
            Ensure      = "Present"
            Name        = "Net-Framework-Core"
            Source      = "c:\software\sxs"

        # Install SQL Server
        xSqlServerInstall InstallSqlServer
            InstanceName = $Node.SQLServerName
            SourcePath   = $Node.SqlSource
            Features     = "SQLEngine,SSMS"
            DependsOn    = "[WindowsFeature]installdotNet35"


   Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -contains "Web"}.NodeName
        # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure       = 'Present'
            Name         = 'Web-Server'

        # Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role
        WindowsFeature AspNet45
            Ensure       = 'Present'
            Name         = 'Web-Asp-Net45'


        # Stop the default website
        xWebsite DefaultSite
            Ensure       = 'Present'
            Name         = 'Default Web Site'
            State        = 'Stopped'
            PhysicalPath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'
            DependsOn    = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'


        # Copy the website content
        File WebContent

            Ensure          = 'Present'
            SourcePath      = $Node.SiteContents
            DestinationPath = $Node.SitePath
            Recurse         = $true
            Type            = 'Directory'
            DependsOn       = '[WindowsFeature]AspNet45'


        # Create the new Website

        xWebsite NewWebsite


            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Name            = $Node.WebSiteName
            State           = 'Started'
            PhysicalPath    = $Node.SitePath
            DependsOn       = '[File]WebContent'



MyWebApp -ConfigurationData DevProdEnvData.psd1

When you run this configuration, three MOF files are created (one for each named entry in the AllNodes array):

    Directory: C:\DscTests\MyWebApp

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        3/31/2017   5:47 PM           2944 Prod-SQL.mof
-a----        3/31/2017   5:47 PM           6994 Dev.mof
-a----        3/31/2017   5:47 PM           5338 Prod-IIS.mof

Using non-node data

You can add additional keys to the ConfigurationData hashtable for data that is not specific to a node. The following configuration ensures the presence of two websites. Data for each website are defined in the AllNodes array. The file Config.xml is used for both websites, so we define it in an additional key with the name NonNodeData. Note that you can have as many additional keys as you want, and you can name them anything you want. NonNodeData is not a reserved word, it is just what we decided to name the additional key.

You access additional keys by using the special variable $ConfigurationData. In this example, ConfigFileContents is accessed with the line:

 Contents = $ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.ConfigFileContents

in the File resource block.

$MyData =
    AllNodes =
            NodeName           = "*"
            LogPath            = "C:\Logs"

            NodeName = "VM-1"
            SiteContents = "C:\Site1"
            SiteName = "Website1"

            NodeName = "VM-2"
            SiteContents = "C:\Site2"
            SiteName = "Website2"

    NonNodeData =
        ConfigFileContents = (Get-Content C:\Template\Config.xml)

configuration WebsiteConfig
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xWebAdministration -Name MSFT_xWebsite

    node $AllNodes.NodeName
        xWebsite Site
            Name         = $Node.SiteName
            PhysicalPath = $Node.SiteContents
            Ensure       = "Present"

        File ConfigFile
            DestinationPath = $Node.SiteContents + "\\config.xml"
            Contents = $ConfigurationData.NonNodeData.ConfigFileContents

See Also