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The Silicon Factor

on BBC One London

A series of three programmes investigating the so-called microelectronics revolution.
1: So What's it All About?
The silicon chip, unnoticed by most of us a few years ago, is now something everybody has heard about, few understand and many are beginning to fear. Is it really the basis for a revolution as profound as the industrial revolution? And what kind of revolution is it?
In this first programme,
Bernard Falk takes a laymen's view of what the silicon chip is, how it s made and how it works. From a Chicago millionaire's home to a Birmingham car test-track, and from a psychiatric hospital in Scotland to a Swedish factory, he looks at how the new technology is being used and at what it could do in the future.
Film editor JOHN LYTE Producer DAVID ALLEN


Bernard Falk
John Lyte
David Allen

BBC One London

About BBC One

BBC One is a TV channel that started broadcasting on the 20th April 1964. It replaced BBC Television.

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