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Sitri - powerful settings & configs for python

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Sitri - library for managing authorization and configuration data from a single object with possibly different or identical providers


poetry add sitri -E "all"


pip3 install sitri[all]

Extras packs and providers:

1. all - all providers and settings module.
2. settings - pydantic, providers with settings-support.
3. redis - for redis provider.
4. hvac - for HashiCorp Vault provider.
5. vedis - for vedis provider.
6. pyyaml - for YAML provider.
7. orjson - speed-up your json provider (optional).

Basics with SystemProvider

from sitri.providers.contrib import SystemConfigProvider
from sitri import Sitri

conf = Sitri(

System provider use system environment for get config data. For unique - sitri lookup to "namespace" by prefix.


In console:

export BASICS_NAME=Huey

In code:

name = conf.get_config("name")

print(name)  # output: Huey


Read base API references and other part documentation on