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Contains examples how to test Alembic migrations.

Project was prepared for Moscow Python meetup №69.

For details please see video from meetup (Russian language) on Youtube.

What's inside

There is small project called "staff" with a couple of migrations and tiny aiohttp server.

To start using project execute make devenv. It would create virtual environment in env/ folder and install all dependencies (to see all available commands call make).

Project provides two utilities: staff-api (aiohttp server) and staff-db (alembic wrapper, tool for database management).

Main idea it that you can customize alembic as deep as you want. For example, staff-db executable knows where is located alembic.ini (unlike alembic executable), can be executed from any folder, and can accept any additional arguments you may want.

Current version allows to use custom database url, instead of hardcoded sqlalchemy.url property in alembic.ini.

You can easily add --schema argument to execute migrations in separate schema, etc.

There are two tests: stairway (tests/ and test skeleton for migrations with data (tests/

You may also find interesting how simple can be fixture temp_db, that is creating separate temporary database for each test and then dropping it.


Examples how to test Alembic migrations for Yandex Backend Development school & Moscow Python meetup №69








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