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React-slotify (Try now)

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MIT License

A tiny way to use Slots concept in modern React apps.

Why react-slotify:

  • ✅ Replaces "renderProps" concept in a semantic way
  • ✅ Written in TypeScript with type-safe API
  • ✅ Lightweight (~500B)
  • ✅ Simple


Install using your package manager:

npm install --save react-slotify

yarn add react-slotify


In a component where you want to hold slots in, create and place a slot. You may have as many slots as you want.

import {createSlot} from 'react-slotify';

export const MySlot = createSlot();

export const Component = ({children}) => {
  return (
      This component contains slot:
      <MySlot.Renderer childs={children}>
        This is default slot content
      <div>It also renders children: {children}</div>

Import your component and it's slots and use:

import {Component, MySlot} from './component';

const App = () => {
  return (
        <MySlot>Slotted content</MySlot>
        Other content

Passing props back from inside slot

If your slot conent need some params from inside such as disabled state, you are welcome to parametrize it:

export const Slot = createSlot<{myParam: string}>();

export const Component = ({children}) => (
  <MySlot.Renderer childs={children} myParam="123">
    This is default slot content


const App = () => {
  return (
          {params => (<div>Param is {params.myParam}</div>)}