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List Keep

The service for lists making.

Getting Started

To start the service you have to start instance Keycloak. For development, you can use docker-compose.yml, which have all services you need.

After first run of Keycloak you need to execute /keycloak/ for initialization realm list-keep and for adding missing translation messages.

Before starting replace the ********** values in file realm-export.json as follows:

  • smtpServer is configured for gmail service, when you use other service, you need to change not only below fields, but other one's.
    • password - password from email
    • from and user - email address
  • identityProviders is configured for google (providerId = google).
    • clientId - Client ID of application in google
    • clientSecret - Client secret of application in google


List Keep Front

Helm chart

List Keep Helm Chart