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Build docker container with php 8 and jit for tests.

Fast start

  1. Download existing image and run bench.php in it: docker-compose -f docker-compose-fast.yml up


Create a container with custom extensions and development webserver.

  1. Build docker-compose build
  2. Start container in background docker-compose up -d
  3. Connect bash
  4. Run php bench.php
  5. Disable jit or opcache in /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/opcache.ini to see performance difference.
  6. Test other projects:
    • Link other projects in the container:
      1. Add links to projects in docker-compose.yml. Change volumes and workdir directives.
      2. Entrypoint command php -S will start in workdir. Can be replaced with php artisan serve for laravel projects, for example.
      3. Rebuild and restart container: docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
    • Create files in the current folder. They will be immediately available in the container.
  7. Check in a browser:
  8. Remove container and images after tests: docker-compose down && docker system prune