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Thanks! I’ve been performing with what I like to call a “just-in-real-time” approach with pippi now called Astrid, which allows for live coding (instrument modules reload when the file is saved) MIDI input, etc. It is in a works-for-me state though, and probably won’t be documented and packaged for others until after pippi itself is out of beta... if you are curious though it is here: https://github.com/luvsound/astrid

Edit: but to clarify yes pippi is meant primarily to facilitate writing generative musical scores in python. (Scores which produce sounds, not notation.) I have used it to perform from early on in its development, and IMHO it works fine for this, but the main use case is to render offline audio.

OP surely already knows this, but for everyone else in this thread - for live music coding, got to mention Sonic Pi (https://sonic-pi.net and https://github.com/sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi) which is absolutely amazing at what it does; it's Ruby and not Python, but some ideas are quite brilliant.

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