const OPENAPI_TOKEN = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Настройки").getRange("B1").getValue() const TRADING_START_AT = new Date('Jan 01, 2019 10:00:00') const MILLIS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 function isoToDate(dateStr){ const str = dateStr.replace(/-/,'/').replace(/-/,'/').replace(/T/,' ').replace(/\+/,' \+').replace(/Z/,' +00') return new Date(str) } function onOpen() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() var entries = [{ name : "Обновить", functionName : "refresh" }] sheet.addMenu("TI", entries) }; function refresh() { SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getRange('Z1').setValue(new Date().toTimeString()); } class TinkoffClient { constructor(token){ this.token = token this.baseUrl = '' } _makeApiCall(methodUrl){ const url = this.baseUrl + methodUrl Logger.log(`[API Call] ${url}`) const params = {'escaping': false, 'headers': {'accept': 'application/json', "Authorization": `Bearer ${this.token}`}} const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params) if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) return JSON.parse(response.getContentText()) } getFIGIbyTicker(ticker){ const url = `market/search/by-ticker?ticker=${ticker}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.instruments[0].figi } getInstrumentByFigi(figi){ const url = `market/search/by-figi?figi=${figi}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload } getTickerByFigi(figi){ const url = `market/search/by-figi?figi=${figi}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.ticker } getOrderbookByFigi(figi){ const url = `market/orderbook?depth=1&figi=${figi}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload } getOperations(from, to, figi){ // Аргументы `from` и `to` должны быть в ISO 8601 формате const url = `operations?from=${from}&to=${to}&figi=${figi}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.operations } getAll (from, to) { const url = `operations?from=${from}&to=${to}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.operations } getAllIIS (from, to, IISid) { const url = `operations?from=${from}&to=${to}&brokerAccountId=${IISid}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.operations } getPort(){ const url = `portfolio` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.positions } getCur(){ const url = `portfolio/currencies` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.currencies } getIIS(IISid){ const url = `portfolio?brokerAccountId=${IISid}` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.positions } getIISid(){ const url = `user/accounts` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.accounts } usdval(){ const url = `market/orderbook?figi=BBG0013HGFT4&depth=1` const data = this._makeApiCall(url) return data.payload.lastPrice } } const tinkoffClient = new TinkoffClient(OPENAPI_TOKEN) const CACHE = CacheService.getScriptCache() function getPrice(ticker, refresh){ const figi = tinkoffClient.getFIGIbyTicker(ticker) var {lastPrice} = tinkoffClient.getOrderbookByFigi(figi) return lastPrice } function getAllTickers(figi){ var ticker if (!figi){ ticker = "" }else{ var {ticker} = tinkoffClient.getInstrumentByFigi(figi) } return ticker } function _calculateTrades(trades) { let totalSum = 0 let totalQuantity = 0 for (let j in trades) { const {quantity, price} = trades[j] totalQuantity += quantity totalSum += quantity * price } const weigthedPrice = totalSum / totalQuantity return [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice] } function getTrades(ticker, from, to) { const figi = tinkoffClient.getFIGIbyTicker(ticker) if (!from) { from = TRADING_START_AT.toISOString() } if (!to) { const now = new Date() to = new Date(now + MILLIS_PER_DAY) to = to.toISOString() } const operations = tinkoffClient.getOperations(from, to, figi) const values = [] var com_val for (let i=operations.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {operationType, status, trades, date, currency, figi, commission} = operations[i] if (operationType == "BrokerCommission" || status == "Decline") continue let [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice] = _calculateTrades(trades) if (commission){ com_val = commission.value }else{ com_val = "-" } if (operationType == "Sell") { totalQuantity = -totalQuantity totalSum = -totalSum commission.value = -commission.value } values.push([isoToDate(date), operationType, totalQuantity, weigthedPrice, currency, com_val]) } return values } function getAllTrades(from, to, refresh){ if (!from){ from = TRADING_START_AT.toISOString() }else{ from = from.toISOString() } if (!to){ to = new Date(new Date() + MILLIS_PER_DAY).toISOString() }else{ to = to.toISOString() } const operations = tinkoffClient.getAll (from, to) const values = [] var com_val values.push(["Дата","Тикер","Тип","Кол-во","Цена за 1","Комиссия","Итого","Валюта"]) for (let i=operations.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {operationType, status, trades, date, currency, figi, commission, payment} = operations[i] if (operationType == "BrokerCommission" || operationType == "PayIn" || operationType == "PayOut" || status == "Decline") continue // если нужно отобразить комиссию брокера (BrokerCommission), пополнение (PayIn) или вывод (PayOut) средств со счета, удалите ненужный вариант. Например, если Вы хотите видеть отображение вывода средств со счёта, удалите " operationType == "PayIn" ||" из строки выше let [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice] = _calculateTrades(trades) if (commission){ com_val = -commission.value }else{ com_val = 0 } if (operationType == "Tax" || operationType == "TaxDividend" || operationType == "Dividend" || operationType == "PartRepayment" || operationType == "Coupon" || operationType == "TaxCoupon"){ totalQuantity = '-' weigthedPrice = '-' } var ticker if (!figi){ ticker = "" } else { var ticker = tinkoffClient.getTickerByFigi(figi) } values.push([isoToDate(date), ticker, operationType, totalQuantity, weigthedPrice, com_val, payment-com_val, currency]) } return values } function getID(){ const users = tinkoffClient.getIISid() for (let i=users.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {brokerAccountId, brokerAccountType} = users [i] if (brokerAccountType == "TinkoffIis") IISid = brokerAccountId } return IISid } function getAllTradesIIS(from,to){ IISid = getID() if (!from){ from = TRADING_START_AT.toISOString() }else{ from = from.toISOString() } if (!to){ to = new Date(new Date() + MILLIS_PER_DAY).toISOString() }else{ to = to.toISOString() } const operations = tinkoffClient.getAllIIS (from, to, IISid) const values = [] values.push(["Дата","Тикер","Тип","Кол-во","Цена за 1","Итого","Валюта"]) for (let i=operations.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {operationType, status, trades, date, currency, figi, commission, payment} = operations[i] if (operationType == "BrokerCommission" || operationType == "PayIn" || operationType == "PayOut" || status == "Decline") continue // если нужно отобразить комиссию брокера (BrokerCommission), пополнение (PayIn) или вывод (PayOut) средств со счета, удалите ненужный вариант. Например, если Вы хотите видеть отображение вывода средств со счёта, удалите " operationType == "PayIn" ||" из строки выше let [totalQuantity, totalSum, weigthedPrice] = _calculateTrades(trades) if (operationType == "Sell") { totalQuantity = -totalQuantity totalSum = -totalSum commission.value = -commission.value } if (operationType == "Tax" || operationType == "TaxDividend" || operationType == "Dividend"){ totalQuantity = '-' weigthedPrice = '-' } var ticker if (!figi){ ticker = "" } else { var ticker = tinkoffClient.getTickerByFigi(figi) } values.push([isoToDate(date), ticker, operationType, totalQuantity, weigthedPrice, payment, currency]) } return values } function getPortfolio(refresh){ const portfolio = tinkoffClient.getPort() const values = [] values.push(["Тикер", "Название", "Кол-во", "Покупка", "Текущая", "Валюта"]) for (let i=portfolio.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {ticker, name, balance, averagePositionPrice, expectedYield} = portfolio [i] buy_price = averagePositionPrice.value * balance values.push([ ticker, name, balance, buy_price, buy_price + expectedYield.value, averagePositionPrice.currency ]) } return values } function getCurrencies(refresh){ const values = [] const portcur = tinkoffClient.getCur() for (let i=portcur.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {currency, balance} = portcur [i] values.push([currency,balance]) } return values } function getUSDval(refresh){ return tinkoffClient.usdval() } function getIISPort(refresh){ const users = tinkoffClient.getIISid() for (let i=users.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {brokerAccountId, brokerAccountType} = users [i] if (brokerAccountType == "TinkoffIis") IISid = brokerAccountId } const portfolio = tinkoffClient.getIIS(IISid) const values = [] values.push(["Тикер", "Название", "Кол-во", "Покупка", "Текущая", "Валюта"]) for (let i=portfolio.length-1; i>=0; i--) { const {ticker, name, balance, averagePositionPrice, expectedYield} = portfolio [i] buy_price = averagePositionPrice.value * balance values.push([ ticker, name, balance, buy_price, buy_price + expectedYield.value, averagePositionPrice.currency ]) } return values }