Minimal Printable Weekly Planner Template

Plan and Print or Print and Plan!

Some paper, printer, and you’re all set. We designed a versatile weekly planner template for print. No matter the page layout.
Fill it out, unleash your planning creativity. Print, bind, throw it away, over and over. It’s free. Just make sure to use recycled paper. Or shift straight to laying out your to-dos online.

Why have a print calendar if there are plenty of tools for drafting todos online?

More and more people are getting back to basics. Paper and pen are still the most accessible instruments for planning, organizing your time and to-dos. Once you draw a line or finish your writing, you feel like you’ve physically planned stuff: a thing beyond any online planning experience.

Handwriting helps your memory. It’s proven in a multitude of research papers that when you write by hand, your brain processes the information and keeps it in your memory. In turn, keyboard typing does not activate the parts of your brain responsible for memorizing. Thus, writing something gets you rid of any need for external alerts or notifications.

Read our article:

Why Paper Planner and Paper and Pen Will Never Die?

Can Tweek be a good digital alternative to the Franklin Planner?

Is a paper calendar one fit for all?

Of course, it’s not. However, we designed Tweek Calendar to have the best of both worlds. We created a powerful online planning instrument suited with a unique paper feel.