

Documentation for, a non-profit, cooperative funding platform for Free/Libre/Open (FLO) public goods.

Wiki | Repository | Powered by Gitit | Source with modifications


Unless otherwise noted, all wiki content is freely available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.

RSS feeds

  • Wiki (all changes) feed
  • Page feed urls follow the format, e.g. the Help page’s feed can be found here feed icon

Page history

  • To see a page’s history, use the following format[page], e.g. the Help page’s history can be found here


We welcome help maintaining, updating, and expanding the wiki.

Editing options:

Suggest changes for review via our git repository

By editing the wiki page files at our repository, others can review your changes and provide feedback before the page is updated.

  • Register an account at Codeberg
  • Browse the wiki repository and navigate to a file to view its contents.
  • Click the Edit button near the top right of the page.
  • When done, press the Commit Changes button to submit a merge request.
  • Changes will be reviewed by a team member before being applied.

Of course, if you are comfortable with git or need to do bulk edits, you can edit the files on your own local system system instead of the web interface. For our particular suggestions for git process or to learn git basics, review the contributing instructions for the main snowdrift code. Of course, for the wiki, substitute the wiki repository url instead of the code repository url and ignore the irrelevant items like building and testing.

Direct editing on the wiki

To get a wiki account with full editing permission:

  • Email to request a registration access code.
  • You will be asked to review and accept our honor pledge (see Community for more information).
  • Go to the Register for an account page and enter the access code provided.
  • You will then receive an email with a confirmation link.
  • Once fully registered, you can edit a page by going via the edit link above the page title.
  • See the official Gitit repo for more instructions on using the wiki.

Editing pages

  • Pages are written in Markdown, a web-friendly markup language.
  • Please see our style guide for writing style and formatting guidelines.

  • Upload images or other page assets to /assets/(pagename). For more frequently-used images, such as license badges and logos, check /assets/external or use the wiki search to see if it has already been uploaded to avoid duplication.

  • Page and file naming convention: we use lowercase letters for Latin characters, with hyphens between multiple words, e.g. “market-research”.

  • When renaming or moving pages, you can use the wiki search to find any references to the page elsewhere and update them to the new name.

  • For a section branch page, start a new page on the same level as the subdirectory, e.g. and the “legal” subdirectory reside together.

Sample page template

title: Page Title in Title Case
toc: false
categories: category1, category2

## Headings in sentence case

Body of the page goes here.
  • For current pages, please set a title in the metadata block. The other settings are optional. For archived pages, such as a batch import of old files from another source, you may skip the metadata.

  • By default, pages will include a table of contents. To disable it, set toc: false or toc: no in the metadata block.

  • To list multiple categories, separate each category with a space or comma.

  • If adding pages via git commit, save them with a .page extension so that the formatting will be parsed properly.

  • Examples of internal page links:

    • [Front page]() — top-level link
    • [Directory listing](/legal/) — page listing the contents of the subdirectory “legal”
    • [Page title](legal) — will look for a page called “legal” in the same directory as the current page
  • For more information about page features, see the Gitit documentation.

Editing the wiki stylesheets

The wiki currently uses Sass to statically generate stylesheets. As such, updates should be made in the Sass files in /static/sass, since changes to the CSS files will be overwritten.

Follow the instructions on the Sass website to install Ruby Sass for your operating system, then download the wiki repository.

Change into the /static directory, and after making modifications, run the following command to update the CSS files in the /static/css directory:

sass --update --style compressed --sourcemap=none sass:css

If using sassc, the commands are:

sassc -t compressed sass/custom.sass css/custom.css
sassc -t compressed sass/print.sass css/print.css